I'm usually wrong.
But I guess I care about that less nowadays.
Someone has to be right? Or at least we gotta think so.
As a result I've been trying to understand why I think the way I do. Could be all fraudulent I suppose — not the worst outcome.
Unfortunatly for me, I think a lot of things at a lot of random points in time with wavering levels of scrutiny or rationality. The human experience and all that. Writing it down probably takes a way from the reality of it.
I want to do “Intro to Product Management” flow charts that would explain my belief system as a series of interconnected stronger beliefs, based on rational singular connections.
At some level I would have a list of axioms, not based on any evidence necessarily, but of my true intents. Generated via genetics, environment, and time. An incapsulation of self in the framework of decision making. A diffusive process of shedding unpalatable outcomes. A Lutherean list of tenets. A religion onto itself. A carefuly curated collection of calculations to finally come to the calcified conclusion of it all. The all encompasing, finalized, well let's say realized, point we've all been waiting for! Here it is! For All To See! THIS! To ponder. To Postulate. To comment. To contrast. I mean come on now, what's not to like? It's got it all, risk tolerance, future proofing, and historical gratification. HUMANITY, RELATIONSHIPS, SOCIETIES, SYSTEMS, CULTURES, GOVERNMENTS, INSTITUTIONS, FORCES, POWERS, MATERIALS, LABOR, LOVE, LOSS, U,,,
when has this ever been here
what is supposed to come of this
for gods sake I don't even have time stamps
why the fuck would words ever be rational
sorry about all that