To avoid the actual nitty gritty of it I'm just gonna write what I find important to have intuitive.

Given an input that can be represented as a two dimensional vector. For example:


And an output of a three dimensional vector. For example:


The resulting 2 layer network would look like result in two initial nodes, connected to three resulting nodes. More simply layers are transformations between one n-dimensional vector and one m-dimensional vetor

The actual calculation between layers is as follow. Given an input of n nodes represented as an n-dimensional vector and an output of m nodes represented as a m-dimensional vector, preform matrix multiplication of a given set of weights (a matrix of dimensions n by m) against our input vector. This results in the output vector.

The actual value here, which can come intuitivly, is the weights.

Similarily for a RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) we can think of the model as a matrix with dimensions n by n. As the output and input are the same.

Important note to self:

It becomes clear what is happening is a result of the transformations in relation to our given data. It's like bit shifting or w/e, simply minimized operations that represent actual decisions.

The important takeaway for me is that things are not right or wrong in a sense of:

“oh matrix addition is equal to this type of decision making”

but rather:

“oh we did matrix addition because given these two inputs we want this representation so we can do this other transformation”

Little tools that combine to do actions, not neccesarilly the be all end all of how things happen.